Back to All Events REST Sunday, May 15, 2022 6:00 PM 7:15 PM Nomad Yoga Dundee Dundee Scotland (map) Google Calendar ICS Restorative Yoga + MeditationAllow yourself space to slow down + rest in the supportive practice of restorative yoga. Class will conclude with a guided meditation to relax body + mind. A beautiful way to wind down your Sunday.Limited spaces. All are welcomed!Yoga experience not needed.tuition | £15 Book
REST Sunday, May 15, 2022 6:00 PM 7:15 PM Nomad Yoga Dundee Dundee Scotland (map) Google Calendar ICS Restorative Yoga + MeditationAllow yourself space to slow down + rest in the supportive practice of restorative yoga. Class will conclude with a guided meditation to relax body + mind. A beautiful way to wind down your Sunday.Limited spaces. All are welcomed!Yoga experience not needed.tuition | £15 Book